DreamWorks School of Dragons Wiki

As of June 30th 2023, the game is permanently shut down.


DreamWorks School of Dragons Wiki
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Dragon Health isn't a mechanism per say, but it's more a term for the elements that help the player keep them at a happier, "healthier" state. These serve as "restrictors" that keeps the Dragon from being overpowered, if the player keeps them full, the Dragon will perform better and be able to participate in most Minigames like Thunder Run Racing, and in case of the health, sustain damage for longer time in Battle Events and Dragon Tactics. Those elements are Dragon Energy, Dragon Happiness, and to extent, Battle and Combat Health.

Dragon Energy[]

Dragon health energy

A Flame Whipper helping the player collect wood.

Dragon Energy Dragon Energy is what determines your Dragon's energy to participate in Minigames and other activities. Each Minigame, with a few exceptions like Battle Events, will require 2 to 10 Dragon Energy to let the Dragon participate, once the Energy is drained or reaches the red zone, the Dragon won't be able to participate in said Minigames till you feed them. The higher the Dragon's level, the higher the Energy bar is, Titan Stage increases the Energy bar and Membership doubles the current Energy bar.

For more information on Dragon Energy, head to Dragon Energy.

Dragon Happiness[]

Dragon health happy

A very happy Flame Whipper.

Dragon Happiness Dragon Happiness is what determines your Dragon's mood and willingness to cooperate, the main element that's affected by Happiness is the speed. The happiness will deplet overtime and will begin to affect the Dragon, for example, around the 79% mark, the speed will be slower which will affect Minigame performance, at the 19% mark, the Dragon is drastically more slow than before, barely being able to keep with the Avatar. To increase their Happiness, the player can either Feed them or hunt for Eels. Happiness doesn't increase with the level, all Dragons have a Happiness bar of 100.

For more information on Dragon Happiness, head to Dragon Happiness.


Health is what allows your Dragon to sustain damage before being knocked out, there's currently two types of Health.

Battle Health[]

Dragon health battle

Battle Health is located on the top left corner near your Avatar's icon, commonly confused to be solely the Avatar's health. Before the Secret of the Leviathan update, the health bar would change between the Avatar and the Dragon if they mounted/unmounted respectively, the level of each would also affect the respective Health - the health would also only be used for the Battle Events; now, this health is shared with the Underwater Sections, meaning it would switch to the Avatar's health during those sections.

The Wrath of Stormheart update however broke this system:

  • First, all the underwater sections with exception of Impossible Island's and Vanaheim's will use the Dragon's health instead of the Avatar's, meaning if your active Dragon is a Level 10 Dragon, then you will barely have any margin for error.
  • Second, it's been reported that the Avatar's level also affects the Health up till Level 30 (previous level cap), meaning max Battle Health should only be trusted if the Avatar is also on max level.

The Battle Health determintes how much damage can your Dragon sustain during Battle Events, the health will regen overtime and the Recharge Stations will speed up the regeneration. The Growth Stages (Titan included) and the Dragon's level will increase the health.

Combat Health[]

Dragon health tactics

A Flame Whipper taking damage from a poison and an adult Pouncer getting healed.

Combat Health is located within the Combat Stats, it's a Dragon Tactics-only health and never used outside of it. Unlike the Battle Health, Dragons will always have the Health full when entering a Dragon Tactics level, and it can't be regenerated without the use of healing abilities - check the Dragon Tactics Actions/Dragons page for all the Dragon Species' actions. It increases with the Dragon's Level but doesn't increase with the Growth Stage, only Titan Stage boosts the health.
